Pukul 10.00-14.00 FGD mengenai permasalahan dan hambatan yang dihadapi, perubahan perhitungan MBKM, KAK, dan proses penilaian MBKM
Pukul 13.00-15.30
Online meeting conference – Zoom
Sosialisasi menyampaikan gambaran mengenai MBKM, serta program IISMA dan MSIB
We are delighted to announce that Assoc.Prof. Minkyung (Min) Park of George Mason University, Virginia, will deliver a public talk at Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is a Fulbright US Scholar at Hanyang University, Seoul. She will discuss social media and urban transformation in the context of overtourism. The discussion will take place both online and in person. Please join us by registering using the link provided.
Dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan Pemagangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM, kami mengharap kehadiran Bapak/Ibu dalam acara Internship Fair